Holly's Heart 2010 Results!

HOLLY’S HEART 2010 in memory of Holly Grace Cameron was a HUGE success!

We had two main goals firmly in mind while planning this year's event. First, we wanted to create a special day where friends and family could get together to socialize, laugh, play and remember Holly. Our second goal was to raise funds towards the two charities that greatly impacted Holly's life. On both accounts, the event surpassed all of our aspirations!

This year we surpassed the amount raised in 2009 by raising $10,000! Everyone was raving about the incredible silent auction and kids raffle table and the BBQ was, of course, very popular. People buzzed about the range of activities to keep youngsters and adults alike entertained. There was Zumba, sing-alongs, face painting, the healthy heart obstacle course, fire station piggybanks to build, flowers to pot, pots to paint, beading and games galore!

Holly would have loved the event, but at nearly 4 years of age her heart, which had made it through many a battle, failed her. This fun loving, spirited and musical girl was certainly smiling down upon us at Holly’s Heart 2010 knowing that her life will bring joy and assistance to others in need. We are so pleased to be able to divide the monies raised between the two incredible organizations that helped support Holly and her family along the way, Sick Kids Hospital and the Guelph Wish Fund.

We have many people to thank for the success of the event. Those of you who bought event tickets, auction items, food and donated, pushed our fundraising total to new heights! The army of volunteers made everything run smoothly and kept smiles on the faces of children and adults alike! Our numerous silent auction donors contributed towards a very lively auction and some very happy winning bidders (Click to see a complete list).

Please click on the links on the left to see photo's and video from the event!

We hope that you will choose to be a part of Holly’s Heart again in future years!  Planning for next year's event has already begun...